We provide swimming lessons for schools who either have their own pools but no instructors, or need both a pool, transport and instructors. For Learn To Swim to stroke correction, we ensure that your students are taught how to swim the correct way. This is an important part of physical education, while building muscle, and also learning how to be in and around the water safely.
We offer tailored swimming programs, implemented by our trained and seasoned instructors, for nursery, primary and high schools for ages 2- 18 years. These programs aim to develop age appropriate gross motor, cognitive, social and emotional development. We have the expertise to implement stroke correction and gala training so that the children have the competitive edge when needed. We are flexible and can make use of your facilities or provide our own.
As an extra curricular activity associated with your school we can arrange transport to and from the school (This is only available if we can transport a group and not individual learners).
As you well know swimming is not just a sport, it’s a survival skill that can benefit children in their daily lives.